How Can I Contact Altrous Support?
You can contact us by filling contact us form or you can directly mail us at
Do I Need an Account to Place an Order?
Yes, You need an account to place an order.
How Long Will it Take To Get My Package?
It will take 10-20 days to get your package.
What Shipping Methods Are Available?
In Altrous, both local and international shipping methods are available.
How Should I to Contact if I Have Any Queries?
You can contact us through our official phone number or by filling contact us form or you can directly mail us at
Can Vendors Manage Their Shipping?
Yes, vendors can manage their shipping.
How Fast Will I Receive My Product?
As we maintain a stock of most of the products we list, we provide quick delivery of products. Most of the times, your product is shipped without any delay. We also have tie ups with leading courier companies which efficient delivery services at your doorstep.
Do You Have a Return Policy For a Damaged or a Faulty Product?
Yes, we provide returns for products received in a damaged or faulty condition. You can read our return-policy.
What Do I Do If I Had an Issue With My Order?
If you have an issue with your order you can contact us through our official phone number or by filling contact us form or you can directly mail us at
Are These Products From OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) or Aftermarket?
We list both kinds of products and the same is mentioned in the product detail/description.
Will The Aftermarket Products Fit Properly in My Car?
Yes! Aftermarket products are made with specifications of size, dimensions and operational functions as provided by the OEMs. They are compatible with the car they are meant for.
Can I Use the 3D Models From Altrous For Commercial Purposes?
Yes, you use the 3D models from Altrous for commercial purposes.
What Kind of Parts Do You List?
We have an exhaustive list of spare parts available including body parts, engine parts, suspension parts, mirrors, lights, brake parts, cables, etc. We have a strong network of auto parts manufacturers/ partner brands which produce quality aftermarket parts for US cars. Some of our partner brands are OEM (Original Equipment Manufacturer) for original parts available with your car manufacturer.
How Do I Find The Right Part For My Car?
If you know the name of the part, you can use our search and advanced search feature. You can select your car make, model, year, and category of parts which will then provide you refined results. This can help you locate the right part in a few clicks.
If you are confused about the part you need, or can’t find what you are looking for, or for any other query that you may have, Call or email us with no hesitation. We will resolve your query at the earliest. Also, you can interact with our technical team via Live Chat and get immediate answers to your queries!
What Product Type are Supported?
STL (Standard Triangle Language) types of product are supported.